Monday, 14 July 2008

Green Tea and Halitosis

Great news for halitosis sufferers, green tea can help to reduce this unpleasant and embarrassing condition. The anti-bacterial effects of green tea can help to control the bacteria that cause bad breath. Chinese doctors precscribe 6 - 8 cups a day to have any effect. As with all herbal style remedies, it is, we suspect, a long term process and probably will not work for everybody. But hey, is it not worth giving it a go for a while? Even if it does not work for you, it is a pleasant thing to drink!!

Long Jing #1

Buy Pure, Organic Long Jing tea for sale here, online.


Purchase Loose Pure, Organic Long Jing tea.


Make credit card payments for loose Pure, Organic Long Jing tea for sale here, online.

Saturday, 12 July 2008

The Green Tea Manifesto

The health benefits of green tea are now so well documented that they cannot be ignored. The research has been confirmed by scientists and research establishments the world over. If you are serious about your health, it is really important that you incorporate this important beverage into your life.

1. First you should learn how to prepare green tea properly. Use clear and pure water. The water must be between 85 and 90 degrees, never use boiling water. The second brew is reputed to taste even better then the first if the green tea has been prepared properly.

2. Enjoy the experience of drinking green tea with all of your senses. Use your eyes - see the leaves blossom when the water is added. Hold the cup to feel the warmth. Your nose will reveal the subtle fragrance, whilst your sense of taste will reveal the beauty of the flavour. Above all, sense the the brief moment of inner peace with each sip.

3. You should drink at least 4 cups of green tea per day in order to feel the medicinal benefits of this amazing beverage.

4. Green teas should be drunk during the day as they contain the stimulant caffeine.

5. Teas were first cultivated in China, so Chinese green teas are still the best source of the product. It is a 5000 years old tradition, producing the very best leaves.

6. Avoid substitutes and non-natural forms such as extracts, tea bags, or green tea mixed with other tea. To feel the benefit it is essential to use pure loose teas, the original form. The substitutes have fewer natural and nutritional elements of the original loose green tea.

7. It is essential to realise, that despite the myriad health benefits such as weight loss, stress reduction, cancer prevention etc, green tea is not a cure, it is a preventative measure. The polyphenols, flavonoids and anti-oxidants will not reverse already existing conditions.

8. When you buy green tea, make sure you buy top quality if you wish to feel any benefit. The leaves must be picked young, the tea infusion should be taken without milk or sugar, simply,drink pure green tea in the loose form , directly from the mountains to your cup.

9. There are many forms of green teas such as, Long Jing, Pi Luo Chun, Mao Jian and white teas with similar properties. The differences are the region of production and forms of cultivation.

10. The long-term positive effect of green teas are based on important factors such as: purity, origin, cultivation method and care …. Remember this next time you buy your pure green tea.

All the teas in China? Not quite but we have a wide selection of green tea, oolong tea and other Chinese teas for sale securely on line.

Friday, 11 July 2008

How Much Tea?

There has been much written about the anti cancer etc properties of teas, plus the usual associated studies. Just drinking a cup of Green or oolong tea every now and then cannot possibly have much of a benefit, I think that the key is to take these teas regularly.

The consensus seems to be that 4 or 5 cups per day could be a beneficial level to drink. That sounds about right to me, kind of similar to the 5-a-day fruit and veg requirement.

It is very much a grey area though and will depend on the individual's body, how strong the tea is, whether you have a second brew from the leaves ...

The people that just rely on teas for their anti-oxidants are deluding themselves, I believe that if you have a balanced diet that includes these healthy Cinese teas then that is the way forward.

Technorati Profile

Evidence for the calming effects of teas ...

In Japan, a woman used iced tea to calm down a robber who needed cash to feed his gambling habit. Could this happen in China - perhaps a nice cup of Green tea would do the trick ...

Oolong Tea

Oolong tea is reputed to be a slimming tea but does it really work? There are many who have carried out research into this but generally speaking the samples are very small and the variables are perhaps not controlled as accurately as they should be.

As with all reasearch involving people, each person can react differently to a particular treatment, remedy etc. So there are people out there who swear by coffee to keep them awake. I find it has no effect so in my opinion, it is all in the mind. If you expect it to work then if you are suggestible, as the majority of people are, then it will work i.e. the placebo effect.

I have seen forums in which the slimming effects of Oolong tea are debated, some claim that it has helped them shed a lot of weight and for each one of these there are those who claim it has not. So you need to make your own mind up. If it works for you then great, if not, just enjoy the taste!

Thursday, 10 July 2008

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Green Tea May Help Fight Skin Cancer

One of the consequences of our modern day living is pollution. Pollution of our atmosphere has led to a thinning of the ozone layer, creating the well-documented holes. High level ozone is our safety screen against the effects of harmful ultra-violet (UV) rays from our Sun. The ozone layer does not cut these out completely, it is in fact UV rays that create your sun tan. Too much UV can lead to cancer - with the thinning of the ozone layer more UV now reaches the surface of the Earth and skin cancer is on the rise. This is a particular problem in the sunny southern hemisphere countries as the thinning of the ozone is greatest there.

If caught early, skin cancer is often curable. There are several different ways to help your skin stay safe from the effects of UV but did you know that green tea may help? Green tea contains antioxidants (called polyphenols) that are believed to protect against some cancers by fighting the effects of harmful free radicals. Free radicals are undesirable chemicals in the body which can damage cell DNA and, as a result, start the process of turning a cell cancerous. Researchers in the US have noticed from other reports that regular use of green tea may well protect against skin cancer. In some of the studies they have scrutinised, it has been found that green tea taken orally or applied to the skin has prevented damage from UV. It appears more beneficial to drink the green tea, however, supplementing this with external application of teas containing green tea extract may increase the efficacy of this natural protection. Evidence for the latter comes from the Archives of Dermatology 2000;136:989-994, 1051 - mice exposed to a chemical that causes skin cancer were less likely to develop tumours if they had green tea ointment applied for 1 week prior to exposure.

So, drink your way to health with green tea. Visit to buy your top quality organic green tea on line.