Monday 14 July 2008

Green Tea and Halitosis

Great news for halitosis sufferers, green tea can help to reduce this unpleasant and embarrassing condition. The anti-bacterial effects of green tea can help to control the bacteria that cause bad breath. Chinese doctors precscribe 6 - 8 cups a day to have any effect. As with all herbal style remedies, it is, we suspect, a long term process and probably will not work for everybody. But hey, is it not worth giving it a go for a while? Even if it does not work for you, it is a pleasant thing to drink!!

Long Jing #1

Buy Pure, Organic Long Jing tea for sale here, online.


Purchase Loose Pure, Organic Long Jing tea.


Make credit card payments for loose Pure, Organic Long Jing tea for sale here, online.