Sunday, 28 February 2010

A Storm in a Teacup

Proverb from The Song Dynasty (1127-1279)

When a peasant asked the Master what to do with the eminent bad harvest, he replied "Drink Tea"

When a wealthy tradesman asked the Master what to do with his failing business, he replied "Drink Tea"

When the Emperor was trapped by enemy troops, he also asked advice from the Master who replied "Drink Tea"

Perhaps, next time you have a Storm in your Teacup, try this ancient tradition, in practice by one fifth of the world’s population for the past five thousand years.

The Chinese believe that bitterness will not last long, if we attain the proper tranquillity to see through a problem. This ancient tradition has been developed for centuries through the cultivation of the mind, body and spirit.

It is suggested that if we drink Tea, we can attain a mental and physical stage to pursue the proper clarity and peace of mind, which is the philosophy behind the tea drinking ceremony. So drinking a variety of high grade teas can reduce stress. Not so much from a physiological point of view but just by taking the time out of your busy life to enjoy the flavours and aromas of the tea drinking process.

Friday, 26 February 2010

A Season to Drink Teas

There is a right season to each activity in life, and this is the master rule of Nature that no living creature can escape. Teas are no different and in many ways, we can learn from this simple reflection of this natural principle of the universe. In the Tea Culture, some traditions have developed as far as the many relations to the numerous crops quality, health benefits, taste, and the actual properties from the different Teas. All these elements can produce a different effect in our lives that can be quite revealing depending on which Teas one drink at one specific time.

For example, Black teas or Red teas, are considered "warm" teas , Green is considered "cool" and this is again following one old classification in Chinese medicine about hot foods and cold foods properties.

In the summer months, the body needs to cool off, so Green teas and Oolong are highly recommended to compensate the heat. Green teas not only have many cooling properties , as well as polyphenols that are great to protect the body in months when our energy, qy, is drained therefore lowering our immunities to the various virus and illnesses.

In the winter months, is the opposite cycle and the body needs heat; Black Tea and Puehr Tea are recommended again for all their medicinal and warmth properties. In the case of Puerh, there is also the added benefit that it helps to break down fat from the usual "winter foods" that are heavier and fattening. It also has the ability to assist the liver in breaking down substances that may clog the blood vessels, and therefore reducing the cholesterol level and blood pressure.

So green, oolong, black and puerh teas should be drunk at different times of the year.

Women during their monthly menstrual cycle should drink flower tea, which helps the body to regain its balance and internal flow of fluids that will provide them with a higher relief from all the discomforts and pain.

Teas are grown in different regions, in different soils and at different times. There is no such a thing as the best tea. It is up to us to try out different selections and to discover which ones are the best for our individual taste and metabolism. For example, green teas have hundreds of types like fresh Long Jin, the great Mao Feng, Bi Lo Chun, all with very unique and specific properties that we can enjoy. Oolong likewise comes in many varieties; the famous Jie Guan Yin, the very sweet Nai Xiang and the Jin Xuan with its fresh aroma and palate.

Therefore, every individual must follow the natural course of each season, and consume the tea that is deemed right for that specific time and of course geographical place. Nature knows best and it does produce all that we need around us, and at the right season.

Just look around you, and seek this natural connection. Pure Teas are indeed a great start.